Spanish Information

Beginning Spanish

This course is designed for the beginning student of Spanish. Listening and speaking receive major emphasis. Practice is provided for correct pronunciation and use of basic language patterns essential for this level. Reading and writing of material mastered orally is begun. Cultural concepts are developed in relation to Spain and Latin America as well as to Spanish influence on life in the United States.

Intermediate Spanish

Intermediate Spanish builds on what has been learned in Beginning Spanish. There is a continued emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The student will begin to write guided paragraphs based on assigned readings and learn simple grammatical structures. The student will continue to develop cultural concepts and understanding.

Advanced Spanish

Advanced Spanish develops the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Free expression in the spoken and written forms are developed and encouraged to a higher degree. The study of Spanish and Latin American cultures is continued. Students who successfully complete the intermediate and advanced levels may be eligible to qualify for advanced placement in high school.

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