STEM Organizations and Web Sites

American Society for Engineering Education
Assists students in determining the discipline of engineering they wish to pursue. Provides K-12 resources, teacher lesson plans and many links to other resources for students.

Design Squad
Presents middle and high school students with positive role models who experience STEM as fun and engaging.

Discover Engineering
What does a STEM professional do? How much does s/he make? Who are some famous engineers?

Dream It! Do It!
Provides information for parents, educators, employers, partners and sponsors. Determine the right job for your skill set, attitude, interest and passions.

A Web site of the American Society for Engineering Education that is committed to promoting and enhancing efforts to improve K-12 STEM and engineering education.

Engineering Education Service Center
EESC is an engineering education company that specializes in providing products for K-12 schools to teach and share the fun of engineering.

Mad Sci Network
This is a great site if you have a report to do on the many faces of engineering. The Virtual Library is easy to use and offers information for students and teachers. There is even a place to email engineers with your questions.

Manufacturing is Cool
This Web site from the SME Education Foundation celebrates creative thinkers and introduces curious and creative young people to the exciting world of modern manufacturing and the high-paying careers it offers.

National Academy of Engineering
Understand the big challenges our world faces and how STEM will help solve these issues.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
NACME creates opportunities for underrepresented minority youth to receive a strong education in the STEM disciplines, encouraging them to pursue engineering study, providing support for their efforts, and ensuring the successful graduate access to a potentially exciting and rewarding career.

National Society of Professional Engineers
Answers basic questions about engineering, lists activities and programs (Introduce a Girl to Engineering, The Future City) and highlights different engineering careers. This is an easy reading site for students and teachers.

The Opportunity Equation
This initiative, a partnership between the Institute for Advanced Study and Carnegie Corporation of New York, promotes equity and excellence in mathematics and science education.

SME Education Foundation
Provides information on the group's activities, youth programs, scholarships and funding opportunities.

Sightseers Guide to Engineering
Allows visitors to pick a state and view famous places that were designed by engineers.

Engineer Girl
Guide for middle and high school girls to learn about different types of STEM careers.

Engineer Your Life
Guide to Engineering for high school girls.

Society of Women Engineers
Establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. Empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

STEM Equity Pipeline
Expanding options for women and girls in STEM.

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