The Language Arts curriculum is literature based with a selection of novels and other readings chosen for each grade level. There is a deliberate inclusion of gender, ethnic, and economic diversity represented in these literary choices. The curriculum and the Book It reading incentive program both promote reading as a lifelong activity.
Another essential component of our language arts curriculum is process writing. Our students are taught to demonstrate fluency in all phases of the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Writing is encouraged in all its forms, with creativity and structure stressed equally. Grammar instruction is also a component of the total writing experience.
Speaking, listening, and viewing are also embedded in the literature units taught in the language arts classes. Speaking confidently and fluently in a variety of situations is important for personal academic and professional success. Through active listening in group settings, students further develop critical thinking skills. Finally, whenever possible, connections are made to media to expand our understanding of the world in which we live.