Buzz Aldrin is an inclusive STEM Magnet School which is organized around the four STEM fields. We provide exploratory experiences for all students and allow students opportunities for advanced study and competencies. We believe that math and science competencies can be developed and nurture all students" skills and abilities.
We have strong humanities and arts programs, which support the STEM Magnet and address the whole child. Our instructional program encourages all students to develop:
- problem solving skills
- interpersonal skills
- the resilience they need to succeed in a rapidly changing and competitive world in the 21st century
- an interest in exploring a variety of careers and occupations.
The curriculum joins modern technology, community partnerships interdisciplinary instruction, global perspectives, and communication literacy in a student centered, collaborative, project based and inquiry - based learning environment.
Buzz Aldrin Middle School, The STEM Magnet, has three major components:
- Use of a project-based, learning instructional approach to offer engaging and collaborative opportunities for learning, inquiry exploration and discovery.
- Use of technology integrated across the curriculum in core subjects, related arts, world language and STEM electives.
- A nurturing environment that creates a school culture that is based on trust, respect, and responsibility for students, staff and parents alike.